Saturday, September 13, 2008

Setting up my blog has been an interesting process, in that I needed to decide what bits of information I was willing or not willing to share. At the moment I am still quite cautious about how much info I want to have "out there" on the big wide Web. I found Richardson's section about "Keeping Students Safe" helpful, but not being used to having so many people access info about me, I have, for the moment, kept it quite limited.

As for what blog publishing tool I used, I chose blogger because several people at the high school I teach at recommended it to me, and it was also listed in the course outline. I found further affirmation when I noticed that several other members of EDES 501 were using blogger. So, for now, I am happy with this blog creating tool as it seems to be straightforward to use, and it didn't require any great brainpower to setup.

Because I am still a "paper-loving" person, I have managed to print off most of the course readings with the exception of a couple that I seem to be having difficulty finding. One of which is "Nailing digital jelly to a virtual tree" because it doesn't seem to be available through the U of A library anymore. So, today I will try to spend some time "nailing" down that document, as well as the other two which I haven't yet accessed.

I am also determined to figure out the "RSS feed" stuff. I noticed that Richardson has a detailed chapter on that in his book as well. Further to that, I need to sign up for a social networking account. Funny, last year I swore that I would never do that, and here I am today, trying to figure out how to make this all work for me. I am now beginning to develop a better appreciation for the knowledge that my students have with regards to technology and its many uses. I am coming to the realization that students are perhaps more in control of their learning than many people give them credit for.

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